Agnieszka Rachtan

Agnieszka has a Strong understanding of European affairs and cultural differences, interpersonal skills & business acumen. She is aware that balancing the unique aspects of each country's work culture and legal framework will contribute to the successful recruitment processes and hiring the right individuals.

Her expertise includes -

Engaging in activities to foster positive relationships between the organizations.
Establishing and maintaining relationships with foreign partners and key stakeholders.
Collaborating with international partners to advance common goals and interests.
Facilitating effective communication between the organization and diverse international audiences.
Ensuring cultural sensitivity in all international interactions.
Promoting business opportunities between the organizations.
Collaborating with trade organizations and Chamber of Commerce to enhance economic partnerships.
Talent acquisition.
Career coaching and personal marketing.
Utilize appropriate recruitment channels, this may include online platforms, job boards and partnership with local recruitment agencies.
Provide a positive and inclusive experience for candidates, address any language barrier and ensure clear communication thought the recruitment process.
Provide cultural integration support and resources.
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